On Track Strategies is a transportation
analysis and policy development firm created in 1986 at the urging
of CN senior vice-president John Sturgess to provide independent
research and guidance services to the Canadian railway and transit
industries. Clients have included CN, CP, VIA, short lines,
transit authorities, equipment manufacturers, government agencies,
citizen advocacy groups and elected officials at all levels of
government. This website is a library of the articles, reports
and related materials produced by On Track Strategies and owner
Greg Gormick since 1986, largely focused on improved Canadian rail
passenger service and intermodal competition. It covers rail and
transit issues Canada-wide. All original material is protected
under copyright by Greg Gormick and On Track Strategies.
Greg can be contacted at
greg.gormick@ontrackstrategies.ca. Your comments and input are
always welcome.